Thursday, August 30, 2012

Digital Media Convergence - Online Music Video.


The Online Music Video.

Digital media is an ever growing and increasingly significant phenomenon 
that remains present everywhere around us. It is not something we can easily 
avoid as it exists in almost every aspect of our lives. As digital media continues 
to develop - there has been a rather rapid progression of a concept known as 
digital media convergence.
Digital media convergence is a process throughout which the barriers that once separated different forms of media are broken down and these forms begin to merge, intersect and ultimately become compatible. (Dwyer, 2010).

Digital media convergence has made what was once thought to be impossible, possible. Products which were originally created to serve a single and unique purpose, 
now serve a ridiculous amount of diverse purposes making life so much easier and 
more convenient. 
The mobile phone which was once used solely to make phone calls has now been developed to not only make phone calls but read things online, 
capture and watch videos like a camcorder, take photographs like a camera, 
text message, play games like a console, act as an alarm clock, a stop watch, 
a calculator and countless other things.

“We are entering an era where media will be everywhere and we will use all kinds of media in relation to each other” (Jenkins, 2004).

Though many forms of media have been influenced by digital media convergence, 
one that has been significantly impacted is the music video. 
The music industry has become increasingly affected by media forms especially the development of the internet. 
Artists, even extremely early on in music history, used the concept of the music video in order to promote and release their music more effectively with the assistance of visuals to accompany their audio. 

The first ever music videos appeared on TV screens for the public to see. 
TV programs such Rage in Australia as well as MTV in the United States supported 
and displayed music videos for audiences to see.
 But as technology and different media forms began to develop, the support of music on television was shifted towards reality TV shows such as Jersey Shore, 
the music industry had no choice but to turn their focus to make music and music videos available online.

The shift from television to the internet may have been a highly significant and smart move by the music industry and in late 2009, VEVO, a music video hosting service was created in order to provide music to the vast audience that awaited online. 
VEVO’s success would not have been possible without another significant medium of digital media - YouTube. 
YouTube has made accessing and watching music videos online extremely easy and convenient. This accessibility has kept audiences engaged and keeps them interested in continuing to use the site.

YouTube has played a significant role in the success and popularity of many artists around the world. Many struggling artists have utilised the internet and its resources in order to promote themselves. VEVO accounts alone have breathtaking amounts of views and are accessed by countless people around the globe. 
An example of an individual who has benefited extraordinarily from online exposure is Justin Bieber. Someone who was just an ordinary young boy that happened to be discovered by a record label by solely posting videos of himself singing onto the site. He is now known worldwide and has the number one most watched video on YouTube; Baby with over 770 MILLION views!

Now, in the past – music videos were used solely to add a little more 
substance to an artist’s song but nowadays, they are being used for a lot more. 
Music videos can be used to tell a story, connect to the audience on a deeper 
more personal level, advertising, product placement, promoting themselves and 
or others and much more (Keazor, 2006). 

A recent example of a popular music video  with a storyline and an attempt to reach out to their audience is Some Nights by the music artists Fun. 
With over 20 million views, its strong and effective 
war themed video clip had a significant impact on the audiences due to the 
personal and heartfelt elements that it contained. 
In this instance, the artists effectively used their music video to increase the popularity of their song and themselves in general.

As well as this, artists have used music videos to create new phenomenons mainly
 in the dance or choreography department. It is no secret that many songs have a signature dance sequence to them which are known worldwide and are performed whenever the song happens to come on.
 Some extremely popular examples include:
  • Macarena by Los del Rio
  • Thriller by Michael Jackson 
  • The famous ‘wiggle’ move in Sexy and I Know It by LMFAO. 

These signature dance routines have had a strong and highly 
notable impact on artists and it was all made possible through the use of music videos.

By having music available online, individuals can easily copy the link of the video 
and share it amongst their friends, colleagues and family and 
that is exactly how videos go viral. Artists rely on their fans quite a lot 
when it comes to having their material spread around.

Overall, digital media convergence is an intriguing phenomenon that will 
continue to expand as technology continues to develop. Although the increased online publicity can be a negative thing in terms of piracy and illegal exposure of themselves and their content, in a general sense, 
the online music video and their artists have benefited incredibly by having such content online and available for their audiences to have access to. Having things online casts a wider net and reaches a larger target audience that can be incredibly beneficial to everyone.

This process of convergence forced the music industry to invest in online exposure which has had nothing short of a rather positive impact on the artists and their music. Without the internet many artists would not be as well known as they are now, they wouldn't be as successful and some would have never been discovered.

Reference List:

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